Friday, April 29, 2011

"Heart of the Dragon"

Title: "Heart of the Dragon" -Atlantis Series Book 1
Author: Gena Showalter

Synopsis (taken from the back of book): 

Grace Carlyle's world was about to change . . .
Deep in the jungle on the trail of her missing brother, Grace never expected to find a secret world populated by mythological monsters -- nor guarded by a sword-wielding being whose beauty put mortal men to shame.
Darius en Kragin belongs to a race of shape-shifting warriors sworn to guard Atlantis and kill all travelers who stray within its boundaries. Yet when Grace stumbles into his realm, he finds himself tempted to betray his centuries-old vow.
Now their forbidden love will either bring their worlds together -- or tear them both apart. 

Steph's Summary and Thoughts:
The main reason why I started this series belongs to the fact that I am already a Gena Showalter fan. I first discovered Gena's work though a story compilation hardback that featured one of my favorite paranormal romance authors, Kresley Cole.  I figured if anyone was good enough to share a book binding with Kresley, then should give them a try.  Saying Gena has lived up to my expectations is an understatement.  She is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors of the genre, especially with each novel in "The Lords of the Underworld" series I divulge in. 

I knew going into the Atlantis series not every book was going to have vampires in the lead roles. I'm ok with that. The fact that they even exist is comfort enough. At my core I am a paranormal junkie. All things supernatural fascinate me-vampires just make the deal so much sweeter. ;)  The first book in the Atlantis series introduces a supernatural race I have never encountered-dragons. You might ask, 'How the hell can a dragon be sexy' or 'what do you mean you've never heard of dragons?' I will enlighten you. I have never dealt with the dragon shape-shifter race. I've been exposed to the likes of lycans, demon shifters, were animals, but never a dragon shifter. The dragon in Atlantis is a mythical race of people, that look just like you and me except when enraged their bodies become that of a dragon-wings, scales, tail, fire breathing and all. Interesting concept, yes I do believe so! Just the thought of something extraordinarily new excited me before even reading the first page. 

"Heart of the Dragon" tells the story of Darius, the Dragon King and Guardian, and Grace, a curvy little red head aching for an ounce of excitement and adventure in her life. Set up starts with a bit of a background  on the dragon race and their responsibility to Atlantis. Dragons are the guardians of the mist-the portal between the surface and Atlantis. Darius is selected as a young child to become the guardian of the mist and protector of all Atlantians after the death of his entire family at the hands of an outsider. As Guardian, all who try to pass through the mist must die-this includes women and children.  

On the other side of the portal we find Grace Carlyle. Grace is on an adventure of her own. Looking for her brother Alex in Brazil, Grace finds herself lost and deserted in the middle of the jungle. All she has with her are the clothes on her back and medallion her brother sent her along with a letter explaining his fascination with Atlantis and his search for the long lost city. Grace's mission is to meet up with brother and supposedly help him with his quest.  Through her wandering, she stumbles upon-well is more like drawn to- a cave. The deeper she travels through the cave, the more drawn and mysterious it gets. What would you know,  Grace finds herself in the middle of a mysterious mist with a sword pointed at her neck. 

Right away when Darius and Grace meet there seems to be a sexual tension happening. Darius finds himself shaken and feeling emotions he has not felt in over 200 years since becoming Guardian. You guessed it, these mixed and stirred up emotions to do not leave the dragon a happy camper. Instead of doing his duty and killing Grace on sight, Darius does the only logical thing possible-take the sexy red head back to his room.  Lock her up! That will show her for stepping through the mist! Taking the girl as prisoner always leaves her wanting for more....well it does in Grace's case. Grace can't help herself but be drawn to this alpha male beast. I have always been a sucker for an overpowering alpha, taken charge and proclaiming to all that I am his! Say the words 'She is Mine' and I go weak in knees!  Not to mention, it doesn't help that he is perfectly bronzed and walking around shirt less with a unique dragon tattoo sprawled nicely over his rippling chest. Just one envisionment of this dragon and I am already having a hard time catching my own breath! 

As we journey through the world Darius and Grace paint, we are exposed to both sides mixed emotions, reeling from the highest highs to the lowest lows. First hand we witness Darius' battle within himself between his duty to his people and the duty his has to his heart. "Heart of the Dragon" is an action filled adventure, with enough sexual tension that could be cut with a knife! The more I read, the more I didn't want the story to end. I, myself, was falling in love with Darius en Kragin! This first book in the Atlantis series has me eagerly awaiting more. "Heart of the Dragon" does what a series starter should-engulfing its readers entirely, leaving them craving for another dose for the world they step into with each page that is turned. 

Rating: 5 stakes or this time around should I say flames! What ever the symbol, "Heart of the Dragon" gets the best of the best. Once again Gena Showalter does not disappoint. Atlantis has me hooked and wanting to find my own portal.  Stay tuned for the rest of the series-I can't get enough of these Atlantians! 

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