Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"The Bite of Silence"

Book: "The Bite of Silence"
Author: Mary Hughes

Synopsis (taken from back of book):
Times Square on New Year's Eve. A million partiers chanting the final seconds. This year, it's a countdown to death.
My name is Twyla Tafel and I've uncovered an insane plot to unleash berserk vampires on those unsuspecting revelers. I have to stop it, armed only with my great admin skills, my useless art degree—and Nikos, a severely hot vampire who I'd love to photograph as a Spartan king roaring his muscular challenge at the Persians.
But Nikos has issues, if you know what I mean. Roadblocks in his psyche that say stop when all I want is go-go-go. See "severely hot", above.
Although if I finally break through Nikos's reserve, I may get more than I bargained for. He's seriously big, seriously built, and more than just a tad dominant. Still, it's time to push my limits and find out who I really am, so I'm willing to try...I think. I'm sure. I'm mostly sure. Until he starts stalking me with those sable bedroom eyes and long, sharp fangs?!

Steph's Summary and Thoughts:
Finding "The Bite of Silence" was purely random. I wanted a quick vampire fix and sure enough this Kindle freebie look like it might just hit the spot.  I had no idea that this book was actually more like a short novella.  Considering the style, The Bite of Silence picks up momentum fast.  Right away we are thrown into Twyla's world. I honestly felt trapped in a bit of a whirlwind. I kept thinking to myself maybe I was missing a previous book and was reading a series out of order-so not the case. Twyla tells the story from her perspective and I must say its refreshing to read a story in first person-not normally the case in this genre. 

Right away we are on a plane; Twyla's on a trip to New York and sees the mysterious Nikos. What threw me off a bit Twyla already knows him. From where- no idea, but she knows who he is and that he is a vampire, yet she is completely obsessed and MUST sit by him at all costs on the plane. Through various maneuvers Twyla weasels her way into sitting next to Nikos for a bit on the plane, however, Nikos is not amused and ignores her the whole time. Somewhere along the line, she is shuffled about and is reseated next to a sexy blonde eye candy type of model named Klaus. Once again the pace of the novel throws me for a loop, and we are standing in the middle of a Klaus, Twyla, Nikos love triangle.  Klaus, in my opinion is giving off major vampire vibes, especially since Nikos seems to know him and is pissed about his sexual fascination with Twyla. 

Once again in I'm lost in how we got from point A to point B. In an unseen character move, Nikos drags Twyla into a cab and is dropping her off at her cousin- the reason for her visit to NYC. I'm blind sighted by Nikos immediate sexual desire for Twyla. One minute he won't even speak with her and the next hes got her stripped naked and his fangs between her thighs. Giving Twyla a few moments of pleasure seems to be the main reason behind Nikos' entire trip to New York, let alone be the defining characteristic of this god like vampire. Nikos' business is in fact to keep an eye on Twyla and the mischief that she may get into this New Year's Eve.  Now I'm lost. Where is all of this coming from....still moving awful fast, keeps going faster...

We arrive at Twyla's cousin's, find out hes a bit of a nut job, and that he knows vampires exists and plans to expose them. Uh oh. I guess this would be the pivotal plot turn...dun dun dun.  Ever since their back seat cab affair, Twyla's self proclaimed vampire boyfriend is the only person (undead might be a better term), that she can trust. Instead of wanting to get to root of the problem and stop the vampire massacre, all Spartan general, Nikos, can even think about doing is fucking hardcore his new lady friend. 

The rest of the book is a downward spiral from here. The colors yellow and red trigger vampire madness, the Ball Drop is the ticker to the end, Klaus and Nikos are now buddy buddy, oh and lets not forget that Twyla is a fierce strong warrior now-if only because she screwed a Spartan. Too much emphasis is placed on Nikos' junk. We keep being told over and over how badly hung he is and how poor little tight Twyla just can't cope with his manliness. Sex scenes get a bit graphic, not that I'm complaining, but they are a tad bit rushed and underdeveloped. Just like everything with this story they come out of nowhere. Oh and just to seal the deal and throw another left fielder, Nikos is in love with Twyla and wants to marry her! WTF! Main point to take away from this novel, let's hit every genre stereotype possible. Gag me. 

Rating: 1 stake and thats pushing it! If anything its only getting a stake because of the graphic sex scenes, they may have been short but it didn't keep me from blushing! 

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