Wednesday, May 09, 2012

50 Shades? Why that isn't enough!

Recently I ventured into the world of Mr. Christian Grey and  read the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy by E.L. James. Without the regular magnetic pull of the undead to suck me in, I was amazed to find myself complete engrossed into 50 Shades' world. I must admit this was the first series in a LONG while that had me consistently counting down the hours until I could flip the Kindle on again.  It didn't matter if I was awake or asleep, Grey was there, haunting me -reminiscent of vampire stalking its prey---just incase you were dying for an undead tie in.

Speaking of tie ins, throughout the books I could not help myself but to find comparisons between that of the charming and slightly unhinged Grey to some of my all time favorite vampiric heroes.  Taking a moment to let that thought seep in the blood stream,  it dawns on me I can pretty much make a legit comparison of Grey and each one of my undead gods. So where to begin?  Angel, Edward, Eric, Lastat, Lothaire...ooh how Grey you cover them all...50 shades baby, 50 shades.

Rumor on the blog vine is 50 Shades was originally a Twilight fan fiction spin off. Of course, when Ms. James decided to give the full blown real world author-dom a go, the names of the characters and story lines had to be moved around and changed to make the story her 'own'.  Even with the subtraction of  the obvious Twilight core facts- good bye vampires, weres, teenage angst and abstinence- not much of the concept has changed:  innocent inexperienced girl finds herself unbelievably and uncontrollably in love with a damaged and self proclaimed baby boy. Hey, if I'm going to hell....  Edward and Bella meet grown up you- Christian and Ana.

If Edward would actually grow a fang and be the Dominant we all secretly desire him to be, (Vampire the fuck up, Ed!) he would be Christian Grey. Grey is who  EVERY  vampire fanatic would give her juggler for. Sexy as fuck, into the kinky fuckery, and dominate down to the very fiber of his being. Oh hunny, you know you want an Alpha! After all isn't that the whole point of the vampire craze? Overbearing, overpowering, sexy, let's live forever, while I suffer from a paralyzing gaze induced coma making me weak in the knees and gladly handing over the vein.... gah! I blush! Rather than bore the 3 of you who actually read this blog with a 2 page blog post comparing Christian Grey to a vampire, I'll just stop my vampire lusting at a brief ramble...

Maybe it was the fact that with every trip into the Red Room of Pain, I secretly hoped Grey would finally confess his secret immortal identity. Maybe it was the was the uncanny resemblance to Twilight with a more adult feel. Seattle, you are the new Forks.  Maybe it was my ever growing hatred for Ana, --Grey, pick me I could do Sub up to par--just as I grew to hate Bella---Edward, Bella's not your life now...I am! I am coming to terms with never knowing  which shade it was that drew me in. What I do know is 50 Shades of Grey is an excellent and addictive series, one that I strongly recommend each of you loyal readers get out there and read.  I guarantee you will find yourself a guilty pleasure with Mr. Grey.